La Nina 2024 Meaning In Bengali. What are el niño and la niña, and how do they change the weather? This phenomenon, which typically begins between april and.
The national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa) has confirmed the delayed emergence of la niña, with a transition from neutral to positive sea surface. This video about el nino, la nina, heat wave and cold wave explanation in bangla.ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ my facebook id h.